L. Brooke Schlecte Dance is a reimagined dance company born from the previous model, Out On a Limb Dance Company. After fourteen years of existence, extensive dance company production experiences, a growing family, and a rapidly changing world, Schlecte is rethinking how the dance company model lives in her world.
/ Professional Dance Projects
Move. And be moved.
Exploring Creative Depths |
A Lasting Journey |
L. Brooke Schlecte Dance is committed to a revisionist approach on how we think about, teach, and understand dance in our world. With this, LBSD will continue to innovate at the professional level as well as cultivate young artists in their journeys.
The decision to rethink the company vision was essential to the growth and the maintenance of a dance company that doesn't quite fit the traditional model. This naturally led to the renaming and the reimagining of LBSD's trajectory and its ability to have a lasting influence in the community and for those who are committed to creating dance.